
Gao Yanjinzi

Artistic Director of Beijing Modern Dance Company


World premiere in Venice on June 20, 2006


Everyone will die, but we will not leave this world forever – the eternal promise of rebirth will bring us back. --- Tibetan Proverb




Decoding the cycle of life, namely to understand reincarnation and animism, is one of the far-reaching element in the Chinese tradition, which is a key part to its characteristic mystery, quietness and seclusion.

Oath (Midnight Rain) explores the choreographer’s understanding of Buddhist Samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth and the liminal moment between night and day, between black and white, between ending and beginning.

Utilizing the personification of flower, bird, fish, insect, and grass, which are representative elements with far-reaching cultural meaning and profound symbolic significance in traditional Chinese culture, the choreographer seamlessly integrates traditional culture with contemporary aesthetics, to display the conflicts between inner idealism and the real outside world, as well as seeking the genuine existence hidden underneath the superfacial appearance, through endless reincarnations.
